Have you ever wondered why we changed our website from www.grinnellbank.com to www.grinnell.bank? The simple answer is that .BANK domains, like grinnell.bank, are much more secure than .com domains.
So, why is that? Well, the following requirements are mandated for .BANK domains like grinnell.bank and is what ensures that customers are protected when accessing our website:
- Modern-day, current, and cutting-edge encryption is mandated to ensure that .bank domains like grinnell.bank’s website traffic to and from it is not able to be intercepted by the bad guys.
- BANK domains are mandated to ensure that when you search in your web browser for a website like grinnell.bank, you are always connecting to the right website. This ensures that the bad guys aren’t tricking your computer into connecting to their malicious website and you are safely interacting with a website like grinnell.bank.
- BANK domains are reserved only for registered banks. This ensures that you are always connecting to a legitimate bank and not a website impersonating one.
- When banking organizations try to get a .bank domain but do not meet the mandated security requirements, they are not able to receive the .BANK designation until they meet the security requirements. This ensures banks enforce the mandated security requirements and that they continually monitor that the requirements are being met.
- Mandated security requirements for .BANK domains are continually monitored by an outside organization. When banks make a change that may alter these requirements, the bank will be notified and must remediate any changes that differ from the security requirements.
As you can see, .BANK domains bring a lot of value in protecting you when accessing banking websites like grinnell.bank. We strive to provide a user-friendly and secure experience for our customers and utilizing a .BANK domain is one of the many ways that we do that for our customers.
How does this affect you? It doesn’t! (Unless you have www.grinnellbank.com bookmarked. If so, just update your bookmark to www.grinnell.bank.)