Banking locally may not seem like a big deal to your average person, but what most people don’t realize is that when you choose a local bank, you are also investing in your community! When you deposit with Grinnell State Bank, your money genuinely stays local. Your money helps fund loans in your community for housing, businesses, and development!
But why should you care? When everything is online and so easily accessible, right at your fingertips, why choose local? Well, to be honest, it’s the service!
How many times have you ordered an article of clothing online, only to get it in the mail and hate how it looks on?… Excuse me while I raise my hand… and then you try to contact the company to return it and it’s like pulling teeth trying to get good customer service… OR you don’t want to deal with the hassle of returning it, so you just keep it and it sits in the back of your closet gathering dust?… What a waste of your hard-earned money…
Now, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes you will get great customer service with online stores, but nothing beats being able to go into a store with a friendly associate to help you choose the perfect outfit that you can try on and you know fits, getting the instant gratification of having the item in hand immediately, and not having to pay for shipping! Another benefit of banking local is that you are helping those businesses boost the local economy! Keeping your business close to home allows business owners to hire your friends, family members, neighbors, or others in your community. Local business owners are also going to put money back into the community, whereas big box stores are less likely to put money back into the local economy.
So now that you are shopping local and supporting local businesses, why not keep your money local and help the bank fund these business owners? You get to support your community in multiple ways, it’s a win-win!